

The SVD Novitiate in Ghana, as in the other provinces of the Society is governed by our Constitution number 512: The novitiate serves to mature and clarify a vocation. It provides a basic introduction to the following of Christ as outlined in the life and spirituality of the Society and in our constitutions; thus, it leads one to follow him in an ever deeper way. Through a living union with the Divine Word and through life in community, a novice should come to understand himself more clearly and know our Society better so that he may make a mature and responsible decision about his vocation.

In many provinces, the period of novitiate precedes philosophical studies. In Ghana Province however, this is situated after three years of philosophical studies which is also considered as the postulancy. The duration of the novitiate is one calendar year (canonical year) as is also governed by the code of Canon Law.

Constitution 511.4 outlines the criteria by which young men may be recruited and guided through our formation programme, and for that matter, the following are required of candidates:
a)      Physical and mental health
b)      Sound family background
c)       A religious spirit in keeping with their age
d)      The necessary talent for the education required
e)      Sociability
f)       Active participation in the life of the Church
g)      Concern and openness for the missionary ideal and vocation